Alice In Pregnancyland – #week20-24

Pregnancy Emotions. Pregnancy Eating. Pregnancy Exercise. Pregnancy Style.

So I made it to the 20 week mark, which means Morphology Scan Date! I always get so anxious, excited when I have hospital appointments and scans. I do about 3 nervous poos before and countless wees because I just want to know that Bub is healthy. I hadn’t really felt the baby move to much yet, just a few little fish bubbles randomly. So I was keen to see our little Bubbaroo.

The scan went well, it was about an hour and a half as the cheeky Bub kept on hiding their face. I cried again see the little one on screen, argh instant love. The Morphologist was surprised we wasn’t finding out the gender. It honestly does not bother me what we have, because as soon as I seen a dancing Bub on the screen I knew they looked healthy to me and i felt blessed. For David (my husband) it was a little harder. When the Morphologist told us to shut out eyes because she was going to scan the cheeky bits, David whispered to me “argh this is so hard I just want to peek’ hahaha! We both stayed strong though. It was also confirmed that I had an anterior placenta, hence why I hadn’t felt much movement. This all changed over the next four weeks though, I feel the baby doing jump flips and see their little feet kicking my ribs. Cheeky bubba. I think my bump looks very similar to my pregnancy with Cruz, maybe a little more wider.

I also met my Obstetrician at week 21. He was fantastic. We are going public, everyone has been amazing and so informative so far. He confirmed the scan all went well which was reassuring. I have really bad varicose veins in my legs and down below, so its compression stockings and sexy high knickers for me… Wootwooo isn’t pregnancy glam hahaha. I just have to monitor for DVTs as a few of my veins have erupted in my legs. I hope it doesn’t erupt down below because, hey that will not be pretty. He also stated it was time for me to stop training at HIIT Australia because of the force on my girly bits with the veins. I was pretty sad about this as I love the feeling of hitting the gym and the me time, but safety first always for the Bub.

I am super excited that I have a student midwife too. I had one with Cruzie and I just loved seeing the same familiar face at appointments and at the birth. So pleased. 

Pregnancy Emotions

During these weeks, was when I started to think about my labour, will it be the same as Cruz? Can I do this again? I knew what I was in for this time? I started to work myself up a little bit with fear. So I have been doing some meditation, to help ease those normal thoughts that most woman go through. The meditation has helped lot to keep my labour anxiety at bay and prepare my body for change. I have been using the Mind The Bump App which ideal for pregnancy. Plus I get to met my little bub at the end of the labour so its a huge positive.

We had lots of sleep troubles with our Cruzie, so there was a week there where I felt emotionally drained from the lack of sleep, I cried a lot, but I think even if I was not pregnant I would still of been upset, maybe just not as much.

The mind/body issues have died down a lot, in fact I have found a new love for my bod. I feel good with this bump on show. I have been really practicing my self love skills, I have so much respect for my ever changing body. I am enjoying when people point out the bump too as I find this is a gentle reminder to my self, that I am pregnant. I get so busy looking after Cruzie that I forget that I am pregnant sometimes. The time is flying by so fast. Crazy to think I am well over half way now. Having the scan though has made me more emotionally aware that I have a little Bubba coming. I feel more emotionally connected to the little one now I have seen Bub. Especially when it reminds me that its in there with all those jump flips and sweet baby kicks.

I feel that I am building that emotional connection with David again, it makes me smile watching him with Cruz, hearing them both giggle while they play and hang out. I am so grateful that soon I will get to hear another little voice in the house that I can listen out for and smile about. David has been truly so helpful and supportive with all the hormontionals that have come with this pregnancy, I feel very lucky, my heart is full.

Pregnancy Eating

So I have my full appetite back. My cravings have been sauerkraut (by the jar), organic eggs, spinach leaves and white fish. David and I have been studying a lot about “gut health” so as for meals, we have all been eating the same in this house. Lots of veggies, good fats, white fish, salmon, fermented veggies, sweet potato and organic eggs. Due to my varicose veins I have also been taking Vitamin C Powder (lots of it) and drinking so much water. I haven’t really craved sugary things at all, since the first trimester so I guess thats a positive.

Peace Love & Vegetables Sauerkraut 🙌🏼

Pregnancy Exercise

Well as I stated earlier, I had to stop training at HIIT Australia. My back has been sore and so have my feet from my veins. I have been walking for 30-60minutes daily. I have one day off a week from that. I really love walking, I find that the walking really helps to kick start my day and its great for the circulation in my legs too.

I am continuing my prenatal yoga about 4 times a week which I LOVE. I am still loving the Energising Flow with Tammy on youtube. I wear my maternity yoga pants from Krew Active every time to feel like a right YOGI haha. The light workout really stretches out my achy body and I feel like it keeps some tone to my body with the holding of the stretches.

Krew Active Yoga Pants and Breastfeeding Friendly Crop

I also love to do push ups fro extra support on the bench, I try do this every night. I also do 10 squats in the shower morning and night. I do my pelvic exercises right before ved at night (I do forget these alot though ekkk).

Pregnancy Style

Well if I am not in my yoga pants or my underwear at home (because its so hot, QLD please cool down), I am loving Boho flowly dresses and I am also loving rocking a firmer dress/tube skirt to show off the bump. I have found some great maternity/breastfeeding styles for daily wear from Mamma Belle Maternity, The Self Styler, Amor + Grace, and also just fromTarget, Kmart. I love that you can buy styles now that can be worn post birth too.

This months #bumpstyle shoot with Tahlia from @wyldefolkstudio_ was such a laugh. Thank you again Tahlia for the collaboration every month, I am so grateful for your talent. If you would like to collaborate with Tahlia in the future, you can contact her on her email found in her bio on her Instagram page here.

We had such a fun time, styling this big ever growing bump of mine. We found a great location outside by the water, to do the shoot. I hope you enjoy the bump style photos. Will tag the labels I wore in the comments.

Amor + Grace  – Havana Scolloped Feed Dress.

Perfect LBD for your bump and post pregnancy for breastfeeding.

Buy Here – Amor + Grace Havana Scalloped Feed Dress

MammaBelle Maternity – Maternity & Breastfeeding Dress and Ruby Olive Teething Jewels.

Buy Here – MammaBelle Maternity and Ruby Olive


Oh hello there little one
Baby you make life oh so good.
Perfect for your growing bump and breastfeeding post birth.

MammaBelle Maternity

Dress by @theselfstyler – INDIANA in the golden temple print

So in love with this style.

Buy dress here – The Self Styler – Indiana dress in Golden Temple.

Thank you so much for tuning in and reading. I am forever grateful for your love, comments, support. Thanks a million to all involved in making this blog happen, I am truly enjoying sharing this journey with you.

Always value your feedback too, so feel free to share your thoughts on the blog or on my instagram page here @aliceinhealthyland.

Alice xoxo


Want more from these gorgeous labels?

@theselfstyler – click here

@mammabelle_maternity – click here

@rubyoliveonline – click here

@amorandgrace – click here

@krewactive – click here

And of course my beautiful photographer – Tahlia @wyldefolkstudio_ – click here

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